Kingdom Chronicles
Final Days Of The Beast Empire
Arrival Of The Kingdom Of God

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Book Of Enoch Ethiopian Translation

United States & The Ten Kingdoms In Bible Prophecy  > <  United States Driven By An Ancient Demon Of War  >

Kingdom Of God
"And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: 
and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." - Daniel 2: 44.

In The Days Of What Kings Will God Set Up The Kingdom?
The Kingdom Of God Will Arrive During The Days Of These Kings. What Kings? The Toes Of The Nebuchadnezzar Statue Are A Clue.
How Many Toes? Ten Of Course. What Kingdoms Are Represented By The Ten Toes? Here We Return To The Ten Horns/Crowns Mentioned Numerous Times
In Both Daniel And The Book Of Revelation. The Forth Empire Of The Neb. Statue Was The British Empire. The Ten Toes Are Ten Kingdoms Formed By
The British Empire In The Middle East Following WWI. These Were Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Iran, Egypt, (Basrah, Baghdad, And Mosul) = Iraq, 
The Little Horn That Uproots Three - Daniel 7: 8. These Ten Kingdoms Are Now Eight Kingdoms Within The Middle East. Their Existence Means That The 
Kingdom Of God Is Very Near To Arrival, Because It's Biblically Prophesied That The Kingdom Will Arrive During The Time Of These Kings = Kingdoms.

Mystery Babylon
The 8th - That's Of The Seven - From The Seventh Of Which - The Ten Arose
The Beast That Was - Yet Is, Has Risen From The Pit, To Bring The World Once Again, To Perpetual War.
An Image Of Alexander, Of Grecia, Empowered By The Dragon, Conquered Nations, And Forged A One World Empire.
So Too, The Demise Of Babylon, Into Perdition, Signals The Arrival Of The Final Kingdom.
(The Kingdom Of God)

Babylon The Great Is Fallen, Is Fallen
Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues

And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down,
and shall be found no more at all. And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in you; and no craftsman,
of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in you; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in you; And the light of a candle shall
shine no more at all in you; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in you: for your merchants
were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived - Revelation 18
And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints,
(And of all that were slain upon the Earth)


US Intel Outlines Israeli Preparations to Strike Iran

US THAAD Missile Defense System Now Operational in Israel

 Iran’s Bomb is Real and It’s Here 

Iran sitting on “secret weapon” 
more powerful than nukes, general claims 

Isreal Goes MORE Insane
Attacking Lebanon Airports, Banks, Ports, AND Civilians - Live Updates

Ritter - Regime Change 101 - 
Netanyahu is Using Oct 7 Exactly Like Cheney Used 9/11

View Israel’s Behavior Today Through the Lens of Cheney’s War in Iraq

US-Israeli forces bomb Major Hospital in N Gaza 
…Too Many War Crimes To Count

‘I saw the hospital engulfed in flames,
 people burning alive, their bodies writhing in pain’

Ralph Nader: “Goodbye Lebanon” 
 High Israeli Official. Biden Says OK, So Far

‘Shame of century’
 Rapporteur says UN crumbling amid inaction on Gaza genocide 

Yemen warns US 
of facing far worse than ‘hell of Vietnam’ if Hudaydah invaded

A Savior Not
Trump Is Already Repeating The Same Mistakes As Before
Confirmation Jared Kushner 
Deeply Involved In Staffing Next Trump Administration

Is Russia Finally Acknowledging Reality? 

 The Deep State is spawning a RELIGIOUS WAR in America 
Jeffrey Prather:

Fake meat industry now demanding PUBLIC MONIES 
due to consumer Rejection

Consumers Running Out Of Money’ 
 Say Former Target Exec - In Dire Warning Ahead Of Christmas

China slams ‘illegal’ US sanctions

Escobar: The Geoeconomic Drivers Of SCO-BRICS Synergy

Ten Lessons On US Foreign Policy

Putin has a curious global plan to crush the US dollar

Julian would not have survived without plea deal 
 Assange’s father

There Is No Climate Emergency
Extreme Weather Is Caused By Solar Storm Activity
Sunspots & Solar Storms = Extreme Weather

Sunspot 3859 has a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field 
that harbors energy for M-class solar flares. Sunspot number: 113

Storm Ashley hits UK and Ireland with monster waves, 
130km/h wind and major flooding

Flooding in Metro Vancouver: Videos show huge floods, street kayaking

Sicily hit by heavy flooding

Climate Change Fraud
Net Zero Is Extremism
There Is No Absolute Zero 
It Can Never Be Achieved Anywhere In Reality
Updated List Of Over 100 Articles
 Proving That CO2/Carbon Dioxide Doesn't Cause

Global Warming/Climate Change

Carbon Dioxide Has Zero Impact on ‘Global Warming’
 Top Study Finds

EV Junkers found to produce a BIGGER carbon footprint 
than gasoline Vehicles - The Big EV LIE

Where Is There Global Warming?
Siberia mid-October snow extent
 greater in 2024 than in past years. Could impact Europe's winter

Russia"s Largest Explosives Plant 
Attacked In Night Of Over 100 Drones

Cooperation Between Russia, UAE in International Arena
 Important for Global Issues - Putin

China orders military to enhance war readiness

The Words Of Jesus Below
Are Now Coming To Pass In Israel
(Israel Will Lose The War Against Palestine)

Prophecy From Jesus
Trouble In Israel With Jerusalem At Center Stage
A Major Sign Of The Return Of Christ & The Arrival Of The Kingdom Of God

And when you shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, 
then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. 
Then let them which are in Judea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out;
and let not them that are in the countries enter there into. For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.
But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.
And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: 
and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draws nigh. Jesus - Luke 21: 20-28

Gaza War Analogy
Blowing Up A Bank And Killing All The People Inside
 To Eliminate A Few Bank Robbers
Using Bombs & Weapons Of War
Against Heavily Populated Civilian Targets
To Kill A Few Suspected Terrorists 
Is A Crime Against Humanity
No Matter What Started The Conflict In The First Place

Israeli Strike in N. Gaza Kills 87 Palestinians

Israeli airstrikes on northern Gaza kill over 70 Palestinians — TV

Two dozen Palestinians killed as UN denounces Israel’s north Gaza assault

‘On all fronts, this has become a war of attrition’

‘Gaza – from the south, to the middle, to the north – is all being targeted’

Artist Who Depicted War in Gaza Killed in Israeli Air Strike

Israel Bans Aid Groups From Operating in Gaza

Illegal Israeli settlers intrude into al-Aqsa Mosque compound

Israel plans Gaza land grab as part of ‘messianic ideology’

Hezbollah rockets streak across occupied territories, 
hit vital Israeli military positions

Israel Announces New Targets in Lebanon 
Including Banks And Financial Institutions

Israel Starts Bombing Banks in Lebanon

Israeli Airstrikes Kills Three Lebanese Soldiers in South

Iran slams continued Israeli crimes in Gaza, 
warns of horrible, unpredictable consequences

Two Jordanians Killed By Israel in Clash at Border

The Greater Israel Project. 
It’s Not Just About the Palestinians: 
“Israel’s borders will extend from Lebanon to Saudi Arabia”

Smotrich’s ‘Greater Israel’ fantasy 
rooted in Theodor Herzl’s Zionism

The Present State of Israel vs. the Israel of the Bible:
 Understanding the Difference.:
"The Present State of Israel Is Not the Israel of God"

Biblical Forecast Of Things Yet To Come
Global Economic System Will Be Destroyed By The Ten Horn Kingdoms

And the ten horns which you saw upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, 
and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
For God has put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
And the woman which you saw is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth. Revelation 17 - 16-18

The Ten Horns Are Now Eight Kingdoms Within The Middle East
(1) Syria, (2) Lebanon, (3) Saudi Arabia, (4) Jordan, (5) Turkey, (6) Iran, (7) Egypt, - (8) Basrah, (9) Baghdad (10) Mosul = Iraq
The Woman/Great Whore/Great City, Are Symbolic Of A Global Economic System, Which Reigns Over The Kings Of The Earth

The Ten Kingdoms Will Bring Down The Global Economic System
This Prophecy Is Being Fulfilled Within Current Events Now Unfolding In The Middle East 

Biblical Prophecies Are Coming To Pass
Continuing And Expanding Cohesion Between The Ten Kingdoms)
Will Destroy The Great Whore = Global Economic System

Death By Genetic Engineering
Why You Should Avoid mRNA & iDNA
Updated List Of Over 100 Articles
Proving That mRNA & iDNA Vaccines Cause Death & Are Dangerous To Your Health
And Why You Should Avoid mRNA & iDNA Vaccines

We Are Not Against Covid Vaccines In The Standard Pasteur Form
We Are Against mRNA & iDNA

We Will Never Comply
A Warning To Everyone Reading This Posting

mRNA & iDNA Vaccines Will Soon Be Available To Treat Numerous Ailments Other Than Covid.
mRNA Vaccines Instruct The Human Body To Replicate Disease Proteins Which The Immune System Must Defend Against.
Worse Yet, iDNA Vaccines Instruct The Human Body To Replicate The Entire Pathogen. Avoid Them Like The Plague. Why? 
Because The Human Body Cannot Replicate A Disease Protein/Pathogen, And Defend Against It At The Same Time.
The Problem With This Science Is That It Views The Human Body As A Collection Of Separate Independent Systems, Which It Is Not.
The Human Body Is A Unified Whole, And One Part Cannot Be Instructed To Replicate A Disease Protein, While Another Part Destroys It.
The Net Result Is Biological Confusion, And Destruction Of The Immune System = AIDS, Or The Body Attacks Itself = Myocarditis

John O Looney - Inside the arteries and veins of ALL the vaccinated 
 ‘I find it constantly now’ Do You Understand That Most VAxed Are Dying?

Top Pediatrician Warns COVID Vaccines Are Inducing Alzheimer’s
- CJD in Children - Genocide Of Kids

Docs Warn of ‘Alarming’ Surge in Heart Attacks
 In Healthy Young Americans - 60% rise in 2023

No Jab For Me

31 Reasons Why I Will NEVER Receive a COVID-19 Vaccine   

18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a COVID Vaccine 

10 Things You Need to Know about the Experimental COVID mRNA Vaccines 


Next Kingdom To Come
Kingdom Of God

"And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: 
and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." - Daniel 2: 44.

The Next Kingdom To Come Will Be The Kingdom of God
The Bible Foretells Of Eight Empires That Rise And Fall Before The Return Of Christ And The Arrival Of The Kingdom Of God. 
Seven Have Already Come And Gone. They Are The Seven Heads Of The First Beast Of Revelation 13. Mystery Babylon, Of Revelation 18, Is The Eighth And Final Empire In This Lineup. 
The Identity Of Mystery Babylon Is That It's An Image Of The Beast. It's An Empire That Is Patterned After One Of The Previous Seven Empires That Came Before It. 
It's The Eighth That Is Of The Seven - Rev. 17: 11. The United States Is Patterned After The Grecian Image Of Democracy And The Democratic Republic. 
It's A Federation Of Independent Republics With A President Who Rules Over The Nation/Empire. It's An Image Of Ancient Grecia And The Empire Of Alexander The Great. 
The United States Can Therefore Be Identified As Mystery Babylon And The Beast Empire Of Biblical Renown. The Prophecies In Revelation, Concerning Babylon, 
Are Aimed Directly At The United States, And The Western World Over Which It Rules. The News And Commentary Posted On This Website Is To Highlight The Final Days
Of The Beast Empire As Prophesized In The Book Of Revelation.

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Previous Day's News Postings

This Website Does Not Endorse Donald Trump For President
Donald Trump Is An Israeli Sympathizer & Admitted Murderer
The Very First Thing He Will Do As President Is Attack Iran And Start A Regional War.
(It Was President Trump) Who Pushed The U.S. Into Warp Speed mRNA Kill Shots. 
(It Was President Trump) Who Caused The Palestine Crises, By Siding With Israel, And Dividing Jerusalem. 
(It Was President Trump) Who Cold Bloodedly Murdered Iran's General Solemani,
Because His Personally Appointed CIA Assassin Pompeo, Told Him To Do So.
And Why Didn't President Trump Pardon Julian Assange Before Leaving Office?
(Once Was Enough With Donald Trump).

Trump Is A Fraud
Growing List Of Articles 
Proving That Donald Trump Is A Complete Fraud

Will The Next Election Save Babylon?
The Bible Explains That Any Man Elected President Will Be Empowered By The Dragon 
And Compelled By Satanic Forces To Follow A Course Of War That Leads Babylon To Perdition - Revelation 13-17
The Wealth Is Gone, And Only Debt Remains. The Dollar Is Destroyed, And Inflation Is Running Rampant.
Within The Above Scenario, A New President Can Do Little But Create More Debt And Inflation, On The Back Of More War.
The U.S. Has Destroyed It's Global Image, And Except For A Few Remaining Allies, Only Enemies Remain.
The World Will Not Soon Forget The Sanctions, Wars, And Calamities, Caused By The United States Of America.
The Ten Kingdoms Will Make Her Desolate And Burn Her With Fire - Revelation 17
For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities - Revelation 18: 6.
(Babylon Is Going Down No Matter Who Is Elected President)

Only God Can Save The World
No Person Or Political Party Can Overcome The Dragon
Satanic Evil Now Empowers Most Governments Of The World

Great Earthquakes & War Are In The Forecast
Stock Up On Emergency Supplies While Still Available
The Middle East War Will Precede A Coming Pole Shift Of Planet Earth - Biblically Detailed Below.
Earthquakes & Volcanic Eruptions Will Increase Leading Up To A Grand Finale = Great Global Earthquake

And He Gathered Them Together
 Into A Place Called In The Hebrew Tongue Armageddon
And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.
And there were voices, and thunders, and lightning; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.
And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup
of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, 
every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail;  for the plague thereof was exceeding great -
Revelation 16: 16-21

Atlantic Ocean Basin Is Widening 
Due to Geologic Forces Under Earth's Crust

Volcanic Forces Deep Within The Earth Are Awakening
The Atlantic Ocean Basin Is Getting Wider And Pushing The United States Westward Against The Pacific Plate.
The Constant Increasing Pressure Between The North American, And Pacific, Tectonic Plates, Is Pushing The Pacific Plate In A Northwest
Direction, And Moving The North American Plate In A Southwest Direction, Whereby They Are Sliding Against And Past Each other. The Movement Is Causing
Instability Within The Various Earthquake Fault Zones All Around The Pacific Rim, Including The West Coast Of The United States, And Increasing The Danger And
Of Massive Earthquakes In Those Areas. A Rise In Global Volcanic Activity, And Increasing Volcanic And Earthquake Activity Around The Pacific Rim,
Indicate Disturbances/Upwelling, Within Subterranean Magma Chambers Deep Within The Interior Of The Planet, As Related To The Continuing Expansion Of The 
Atlantic Ocean Basin, And Resultant Pressure And Movement Of The Pacific Plate. The Great Global Earthquake, As Biblically Described Above, Must By Default
Be Related To Volcanic Forces Deep Within The Planet, And The Movement Of The Entire Earth On A Global Scale. I Foresee A Steady Increase In Volcanic And
Earthquake Activity In Crescendo Fashion, Culminating In A Final Climax = Great Global Earthquake - Revelation 16: 18, Which I Think Is A Pole Shift Of Earth.
This Of Course Means We Should Expect Ever Increasing Earthquake And Volcanic Activity Around The Pacific Rim,
And Greater Earthquake Activity Along The West Coast Of The United States.

Solar Charged Inner Earth
Rising Volcanic Activity Within The Earth Could Be Related To Heightened Solar Storm Activity Currently In Progress. The Earth Is Bombarded With Charged
Particles Blasted From The Sun, And Electrical Energy Follows The Lines Of Earth's Magnetic Field To The poles, Where It Enters, And Increases Electrical  Energy = Heat,
Within The Planet. The Rising Voltage, And Temperature, Causes Greater Turbulence Of Magma Currents, And Expansion Of Magma Plumes, That Circulate, Rising
And Subsiding, Within The Interior Of The Planet, Thus Changing The Balance Of Rotation, By Shifting Weight Distribution Within The Spinning Globe. The Same Would Apply To
The Resultant Shifting Of Continents, And Tectonic Plates, With Reference To Changing Weight Distribution And The Spinning Planet. Therefore, The Same Geological
Force, (Magma Upwelling), That Is Widening The Atlantic Ocean Basin, Could Likewise Change The Balance Of Earth's Rotation, And Bring About A Pole Shift Of The
Earth. The Molten And Simi-Molten Interior Of The Planet, In A Layered Configuration, Would Allow For Movement, Or Slippage, Of The Outer Layers Nearest
 The Crust, Over The Inner Layers, Around The Fixed Position Of The Gyroscopic Core, As Related To Shifting Weight Distribution Within A Spinning Globe.
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth:
 For the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more Sea - Revelation 21: 1

There Is No Climate Emergency
Extreme Weather Is Caused By Solar Storm Activity
Sunspots & Solar Storms = Extreme Weather
There Is More To Earth Weather Than Simple Global Warming Or Cooling Caused By Greater Or Lesser Solar Light Emission.
During Periods Of Greater Sunspot Activity, The Earth's Ionosphere Is Bombarded By Electrically Charged Particles Blasted From The Sun.
The Ionosphere Is Sandwiched Between The Earth's Lower Atmosphere And The Upper Magnetosphere (Earth's Magnetic Field).
Electrically Charged Particles Ejected By The Sun, Impact The Ionosphere, And Cause Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights),
As The Earth's Magnetosphere Redirects The Electrical Currents To The Poles, Where It's Discharged To Earth, And Into Earth's Lower Atmosphere.
The Ionosphere Reacts To Weather And Climate Near The Earth's Surface, And To Eruptions And Sunspot Activity On The Sun.
The Complex Interaction Between These Coupled Systems Is Yet To Be Fully Understood. These Challenges In Understanding Earth's Ionosphere
Are Associated With Deciphering The Many Changes In Neutral And Plasma Density, And Their Relationships To The Coupling With The Earth's
Lower Atmosphere, And The Generation And Flow Of Currents Within The Region, And The Coupling To The Magnetosphere.
Suffice It To Say That: Electromagnetic Activity Induced By Solar Storms, Causes Density Changes (Warping) Of The Upper Ionosphere,
Which Alters Jet Stream Wind Currents At Lower Altitudes Below, And Thereby Alters Global Wind Currents And Weather Patterns - Articles Below

Northern lights (aurora borealis)

Challenges to Understanding the Earth's Ionosphere and Thermosphere

Sunspots & Solar Storms = Earthquakes/Volcanic Eruptions
There Is Strong Statistical Evidence And Correlation Between Sunspot Activity And Global Earthquake Activity.
There Is Also A Connection Between Earthquake Activity Triggering Volcanic Eruptions.
The Connection Between Sunspots And Earthquakes Is Related To Electrical Energy Entering Inner Earth Via The Poles,
And Resonating Factors That Cause Destabilizing Events Within Rock Substrata And Crystal Formations Within Inner Earth. 
In Other Words, Crystal Structures Reacting To Electrical Energy In A Destabilizing Way. There Is Also This Simple
Formula: Electricity = Heat, In Direct Proportion To Amount Of Current Flow, And Resistance Factors Of The Conduit Structure.
Simply Put, Electrical Energy Generated By Solar Storms, Heats Up The Interior Of The Planet, Causing Destabilizing Events
Within Magma Chambers And Magma Currents, That Circulate, Rising And Subsiding Within The Planet. The Hotter The Magma Gets,
The More Pressure And Force Is Exerted On Surrounding Substrata, Causing Movement Within Existing Fault Lines, And Resulting 
Earthquakes In Those Areas Already Prone. Greater Sunspot Activity = Increasing Electrical Energy = Greater Heat = Increased Earthquake Activity.
Earthquakes Change Pressure, Stress Factors, And Venting Avenues, Within Substrata, And Thereby Facilitate Volcanic Eruptions - Articles Below

 On the correlation between solar activity and large earthquakes worldwide 

Terrestrial volcanic eruptions and their link with solar activity

 A review framework of how earthquakes trigger volcanic eruptions

Kingdom Of God
The Next & Last Kingdom To Come
The Bible, and in particular the Book of Revelation, is a chronicle of kingdoms/empires that precede the arrival of the Kingdom of God. There are a total of 8 empires, and 10 kingdoms,
which arise from the 7th empire. The Kingdom of God, is the 9th empire to rule over the earth. The first seven empires have already come and gone - Revelation 17: 10. These were the Babylonian, Media Persian, Assyrian, Egyptian, Grecian, Roman and finally the British Empire. Revelation 18, foretells of an eighth empire, referred to as Babylon, a.k.a. the Beast Empire, and it's demise in the final days before the return of Christ, and the arrival of the Kingdom of God. Since all the previous seven empires have already come and gone, the eighth empire now remains to be identified in the context of modern times and current events. We know it already exists, because Revelation 17: 16-17, indicate that the Beast Empire will coexist with the Ten Kingdoms, in enmity, at the time of the end. The ten horns/kingdoms rise from the seventh head of the First Beast Of Revelation 13. The seventh head was of course the British Empire, which later formed ten monarchies of the Middle East at the end of WWI. These were Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Persia now called Iran, Egypt, Basrah, Baghdad and Mosul. Later, Basrah, Baghdad, and Mosul, were merged to form the nation of Iraq, the little horn that uproots three - Daniel 7: 8. These now make up eight nations of the Middle East. If the ten kingdoms already exist, then so too must the Beast Empire. To identify the eighth empire we look to Revelation 17: 11, which tells us that the eighth is of the seven. This means that the eighth empire is similar to one of the previous seven empires that preceded it. What nation empire in the world today resembles an empire listed as one of the previous seven? There is one word that can identify both. It's democracy. The Grecian Empire invented democracy, and the United States of America patterned it's system of government after the Grecian concept of democracy. This points to the unavoidable conclusion that the United States is the eighth empire identified as the Beast Empire of Biblical renown. This means that all of the prophecies contained within the Book of Revelation, with reference to Babylon, and the Beast Empire, are directly aimed at the United States of America, which includes it's final demise described in Revelation 18. It also includes Israel, and the E.U., which are extensions of the Beast Empire within a Western imperial alliance. The existence of the ten kingdoms, and the Beast Empire, means that we are in the final days of these prophecies, and the return of Christ, and the arrival of the Kingdom of God, are now very close. How do we know? Because the Bible tells us so as follows: "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." - Daniel 2: 44. It's the next kingdom to come, where Christ is king, and the the meaning contained within the Lord's Prayer. 

United States & The Ten Kingdoms In Bible Prophecy

The United States is mentioned with outstanding clarity in Bible Prophecy, but few people are able to recognize it's identity. The Ten Kingdoms have not developed in Europe, as people are taught by most popular religious sources, but already exist in another area of the world, yet few people recognize them. What is the importance of this? Because the Bible explains that the Kingdom of God will arrive following the rise of a satanic global Beast Empire, which is symbolized as the Second Beast of Revelation 13, and during the reign of Ten Kingdoms, symbolized as ten horns/crowns, which exist during the same period as the beast kingdom. When these have come into existence, it's a sign that the arrival of the Kingdom of God is near, and because the Beast Empire, and the Ten Kingdoms, already exist, the Kingdom of God is much closer to arrival than people think.

The arrival of the Kingdom of God, is a literal event that will alter reality as we now know it. It's the end of humanity's sojourn in this sorrowful realm of birth and death, and it's ascension to eternal life. It's an event that will be led by the mass arrival of extraterrestrial beings, biblically referred to as Angels, and when Jesus Christ returns. It's mentioned numerous times in both the Old and New Testament Bibles, and is in fact the very purpose and foundation upon which the Bible is based. "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever"- Daniel 2: 44.

The Bible is a prophetic vision, and chronology of empires and nations, symbolically represented, which span the entire history of humanity, leading up to the arrival of the Kingdom of God.
It describes the development of eight major empires, and ten smaller kingdoms, that precede the arrival of the Kingdom of God, the final Kingdom that will reign upon the Earth. These eight empires have one similarity in common. Each, no matter how briefly, ruled the location of ancient Babylon. The first seven empires are represented by the seven heads of the First Beast of Revelation 13. These seven empires have already come and gone. They were the Babylonian, Media Persian, Assyrian, Egyptian, Grecian, Roman and British Empires. The eighth empire is also represented by the Second Beast of Revelation 13, and is the United States, which joined this lineup when it conquered and occupied Iraq, the location of Babylon, during the previous Bush Presidency in 2003.

The Ten Kingdoms, which Daniel, and the Book of Revelation, foretold to exist at the time of the arrival of the Kingdom of God, have already been formed, and remain in existence today. They are not member states of the European Union. This theory is based upon the mistaken notion that the forth beast of Daniel was the Roman Empire, and that the Ten Kingdoms must therefore arise from the same area as the old Roman Empire. Actually, the Ten Kingdoms were formed by the British Empire following WWI, and are in the area of the ancient Seleucid Empire, as foretold by Daniel, and now exist within eight nations in the Middle East.

The European Union, cannot be the location of the Ten Kingdoms. This idea is based upon a theory that the Roman Empire is the forth beast/empire of Daniel, and that the Ten Kingdoms, represented by the Ten Horns, have their beginnings in Europe, in a reconstructed Roman Empire. There are twenty eight member nations in the E.U. at the time of this writing. Twenty eight is a number far greater than ten, that the Bible mentions over and over again. Yet, despite the fact that there are more than ten member nations in the E.U., and the fact that Revelation 17, explains that the Ten Kingdoms will arise from an empire following that of the Roman Empire, these beliefs are still clung to as reality. However, when you dispose of these flawed understandings, the biblical identity of the eighth empire, and the Ten Kingdoms spring clearly into view. 

The forth beast of Daniel was not the Roman Empire, because as Daniel describes, "The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces." The Roman Empire was not diverse from the rest, and did not devour the whole earth. However, the British Empire, was diverse from all other previous empires. It was an island nation, and a global sea power, and it did literally devour the whole earth. It was the world's first truly global empire, and it did tread down and break up the world into colonies and later nations. There was a time when the sun never set on the British Empire, and just as Daniel foretold, ten kingdoms, or monarchies, did arise out of this kingdom in the Middle East.

By 1921 the British Empire held sway over a population of about 458 million people, approximately one-quarter of the world's population. It covered about 14.2 million square miles, about a quarter of the Earth's total land area. This certainly qualifies the British Empire as the forth beast of Daniel, and makes it very diverse from all the rest. The ten horns of Daniel, arising from the forth beast, are in fact the formation of ten Middle East monarchies by the British Empire, after it gained control of The Middle East, During World War One, following the defeat of Turkey, and the Ottoman Islamic Empire, in conjunction with treaties involving France and the League of Nations. The ten kingdoms are: Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Basrah, Baghdad, and Mosul. Later, Basrah, Baghdad and Mosul were combined to form the nation of Iraq, the little horn that uproots three, just as Daniel foretold. 

The Ten Horns of Daniel, are also the Ten Horns and Crowns mentioned in the Book of Revelation, that sprout from the seventh head of the First Beast of Revelation 13. This is symbolic of ten kingdoms arising from the seventh empire. These Ten Kingdoms, remained in existence following the collapse of the seventh kingdom, the British Empire, and into a period when an eighth empire, represented by the Second Beast of Revelation 13, comes to rule over the same area of the Middle East. The reason why the eighth empire is not within the body of the first beast, is because it exists in a completely different geographical location, and on an entirely different continent, and is therefore represented as the Second Beast of Revelation 13. It's the North American Continent to be more exact, and the United States is the eighth, and last empire, to have ruled the location of Babylon, = Iraq, before the arrival of the Kingdom of God.

United States Driven By An Ancient Demon Of War
Beast From The Bottomless Pit Rises Again
The U.S. Is An Image Of The Grecian Empire Of Alexander The Great
The Beast That Was, Is Not, Yet Is
Deciphering The Meaning Of The Beast That Was, Is Not, Yet Is

"The beast that you saw was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. "And there are seven kings: five are fallen" (1) Babylon (2) Media Persia (3) Assyria (4) Egypt (5) Grecia, "And one is" (6) Rome, "And the other is not yet come" (7) British Empire, "And when he comes, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, (8) United States, and is of the seven" - Revelation 17.

All of the above empires ruled Babylon = Iraq. The beast (that was), before the Roman Empire, was the Grecian Empire of Alexander the Great. The beast (Is not), was the Roman Empire, when the Book of Revelation was written. The British Empire, was number seven, and just as Biblically foretold, it ruled Iraq for only a short space following WWI. Following the British Empire, The beast (Yet is), the United States, became number eight, after it conquered and ruled Iraq for a brief period following the Iraq war. "The beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven." - Revelation 17. The U.S. is of the seven, not only because it also briefly ruled Iraq, via military conquest, but also because the U.S. is an image of ancient Grecia, as a federation of states, each a constitutional democratic republic, even as Grecia was a federation of similar city states. This identifies the United States as the Beast Empire.

The Bible explains - Revelation 13, that Alexander the Great, the first king of the Grecian Empire, was empowered by the Dragon, which is later described as, "the beast that ascends from the bottomless pit" - Revelation 17, when the Dragon reappears at a future time, via an eighth empire that mirrors ancient Grecia. It's a demon of war and conquest. This is evidenced by the historical feats of Alexander, one of history's greatest conquerors, who forged the Grecian Empire. Alexander was a man whom legend describes as having miraculous power in his ability to conquer and make war, and whom it is said wept because there were no more worlds to conquer. 

With the sudden death of Alexander at a very young age, the Grecian Empire, was divided into four smaller kingdoms, which wounded the Dragon, because it's designs for world domination via the Grecian Empire were thereby curtailed. However, the Dragon returns as the beast that ascends from the bottomless pit, during the future reign of an eighth empire. His deadly wound is healed, insomuch as the Dragon commences it's original designs for war, conquest, and world domination, by empowering this eighth empire, and a ruler thereof.

Here we have the basis of the so called Anti-christ, another popular misnomer, because he is actually never referred to as Anti-christ in the Bible, but as the Beast. This of course means that because the United States is the eighth empire, symbolized by the Second Beast of Revelation 13, the Beast must therefore be a President of the United States. Perhaps this is not symbolic of a specific man, but any man who becomes President, or is President, during the final days of this prophecy, because the eighth empire is covertly controlled by the Dragon. Any man elected President during this time is only the puppet of a secret ruling cabal, that actually gives orders and dictates policy, just as Alexander was given his power, and seat, and great authority.

There is a biblical prerequisite for the position of the Beast in this scenario. His name must be associated with money, because nobody can buy or sell without the number of his name. He must also have been the ruler of Babylon = Iraq, the eyes, and the mouth speaking great things, as described by Daniel. This prerequisite exists within the definitive confines of the U.S. President. 

Former Presidents are printed on the face of U.S. currency, the world's reserve currency, and various Presidents represent the denominational amounts. Nobody on earth can buy or sell without using U.S. currency, the value of which is represented by a specific U.S. President, which is the number of his name. For example, George Washington is depicted on the One Dollar Bill, and Abraham Lincoln, is depicted on the Five Dollar Bill, and so on - U.S. Coins and Currency. Not all U.S. currency is represented by a U.S. President, but most is, and that's enough to fulfill these Biblical Prophecies. U.S. President Bush, also ruled over Babylon, with the defeat of Iraq, during the U.S./Iraqi war, another prerequisite fulfilled.

The biblical prerequisites for the eighth and final empire as represented by the Second Beast of Revelation 13, are that it must be the most powerful nation on Earth, dazzling the world with it's greatness, and a warlike nation that masquerades as peaceful, with horns like a lamb, but speaks like a dragon. It must be an image of the first beast that came before it, which is the Grecian Empire of Alexander the Great, the fifth head of the First Beast of Revelation 13. It forces other nations of the world to remake themselves in the same image, or likeness of itself, and it's monetary and financial system must be dominant worldwide, insomuch as nobody can buy or sell without the use of it's currency and financial system. 

All of the above prerequisites are met within the definitive confines of the United States of America. It became the most powerful nation on Earth, militarily, financially, and economically. Although appearing peaceful on it's exterior, the United States is very warlike, with a history of many wars, and current wars waged on a global scale, and a military budget second to none. It's military might is historically unprecedented. The United States is also an image of the ancient Grecian Empire, the founders of democracy, and the democratic republic. Grecia was a collection of individual constitutional republics, or city states, later ruled under a single federation, with Alexander as the first king. This is not unlike the United States, a similar collection of individual constitutional republics, or states, under a federal government, presided over by a President. 

The founding fathers of the United States patterned their new nation in the image of ancient Grecia, the inventors of democracy, and the democratic republic. Over one hundred U.S. cites are named after Grecian examples in history and mythology, and many government buildings are copies of ancient Grecian architecture. The United States also goes about forcing other nations to remake themselves in the same image, a copy of itself, a democracy, as was the Grecian Empire that came before it. Nations that don't worship this image are destroyed. The U.S. financial and banking system are used globally, and it's currency, the Dollar, is the world's reserve currency, so that nobody on Earth can buy or sell without the use of it's currency. 

There is one other prophecy contained within Revelation 17-18, that further identifies the eighth empire as the United States of America. It describes the great city Babylon, and it's role as the center of a global economic empire, which can be none other than New York & Wall street. These passages also foretell of hatred from within the Ten Kingdoms, that brings ruin to Babylon, and it's global economy. This end time global economic and financial system is referred to as the Great Whore That Sits Upon Many Waters as follows: "And he said unto me, The waters which you saw, where the whore sits, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. And the ten horns which you saw upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman which you saw is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth." - Revelation 17: 15-18.

The Ten Horns Are Now Eight Kingdoms Within The Middle East
(1) Syria, (2) Lebanon, (3) Saudi Arabia, (4) Jordan, (5) Turkey, (6) Iran, (7) Egypt, - (8) Basrah, (9) Baghdad (10) Mosul = Iraq

The war on terrorism, and the U.S. alliance with Israel, has caused great hatred of the U.S. amongst the Muslim populations within the Ten Kingdoms, and contributing to a greater threat of war throughout the region. The United States is involved in a territorial dispute between Israel, and Muslims, over Palestine, and Jerusalem, and arming Israel against Palestine, and other Islamic Nations, which are of the Ten Kingdoms. The United States conquered Iraq, which contains three of the Ten Kingdoms, Basra, Baghdad, and Mosul, and is now threatening Iran, another of the Ten Kingdoms, by imposing economic sanctions, and threatening possible military action. The United States is sanctioning, and contributing to the violent overthrow, and regime change within Syria, another of the Ten Kingdoms, and the sale of military weapons to Israel, to be used against Lebanon, among the same Ten Kingdoms. U.S. foreign policy, and military/weapons support of Israel in Gaza, and the genocidal war in Palestine, and military action elsewhere in Iraq & Syria, are now causing a further polarization of the Ten Kingdoms against the United States, that now includes Saudi Arabia, who's leadership has opted to sell it's oil in currencies other than the Dollar, which spells the death of the Petrol Dollar. Saudi Arabia has also curtailed U.S. sponsored normalization plans with Israel, until Gaza has been given Palestinian Statehood. Jordan, And Egypt, are now joining the ranks, because both are threatening war over the Israeli invasion of Gaza. This completes the list, and makes the United States, in support of Israel, an enemy of the Ten Kingdoms, 

From these facts it can be safely concluded that a growing hatred of Mystery Babylon within the Ten Kingdoms has already begun, and insomuch as U.S. financial interests in the world are coupled with U.S. policy in the Middle East, it's no surprise that such hatred could lead to the economic collapse of Babylon. The U.S. is dependant on Middle East oil, supplied by the Ten Kingdoms, which up until now have held vast reserves of U.S. denominated assets, such as U.S. Treasuries. The fact that oil was traded in U.S. Dollars, gave the Dollar it's strength as the world's reserve currency, by forcing the nations of the world to hold vast reserves of U.S. Dollars, and to invest in U.S. Dollar assets, such as U.S. Treasuries, so as to transact the purchase of oil in U.S. Dollars. Here is another fulfillment of Bible Prophecy: "These have one mind and give their power and strength unto the beast."- Rev.17: 13. "These have one mind," is to say that the Ten Kingdoms are all Muslim Nations, and "giving their power and strength to the beast," is to say that they give power to the Beast Empire via their oil resources. All of this is now coming to a rapid end. 

It is easy to see how a growing hatred of the U.S. within the Ten Kingdoms, can bring down the empire, and it's global economy dependant on Middle East oil, and the Dollar. Extended and protracted wars, and economic sanctions, are causing a deepening financial burden for the United States, and weakening the dollar, by forcing nations to trade in currencies other than the U.S. Dollar. The resulting devaluation of the Dollar, and a sell off of U.S. Dollar assets, on a global scale, will bring down Babylon, and the global financial and economic empire it supports. China and Russia are developing new economic systems involving the Ten Kingdoms, that circumvent U.S. financial interests, and the Dollar, which is also contributing to a growing rebellion within the Ten Kingdoms against the United States and it's global economic system.

The Biblical prophecies concerning the eight empires, and the Ten Kingdoms, foretold to happen prior to the arrival of the Kingdom of God, have already come to pass. This means that the arrival of the Kingdom of God is very close, and much closer than most people now realize. However, most people believe that the Ten Kingdoms are yet to happen in some future European domain, where the so called Anti-christ is yet to rule, despite the fact that at last count there were twenty eight member states in the European Union, and not ten as the Bible defines. Perhaps that's why Jesus Christ said that many people will be taken by surprise when the Kingdom of God arrives. They are still waiting for these Biblical prophecies to be fulfilled, while these same prophecies have already come to pass right before their eyes. I can only conclude that the false prophet mentioned in the Book of Revelation, has everything to do with a false interpretation of Bible Prophecy, that blinds people to history, and keeps them from viewing their own nation, and their own leaders, as the fulfillment of these same prophecies.

Abomination of Desolation
The Abomination Of Desolation Standing Where It Ought Not
Final Event Before The Return Of Christ And The Arrival Of The Kingdom Of God
"But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that reads understand,) then let them that be 
in Judea flee to the mountains" ..."For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be. ...
And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect's sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days....
But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken. 
And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory" - Mark 13.

Has anyone given thought to the possibility that the 'Abomination of Desolation' - Mark 13: 14, could be the U.S. Embassy standing in Jerusalem? 
The U.S. Embassy is a symbol of the U.S./Beast Empire, which can be considered an 'abomination of desolation' when linked to the wars, and destruction of Libya,
the invasion of Iraq, the terrorism in Syria, and regime change in the Middle East, Ukraine, and elsewhere throughout the world. 
Abomination Of Desolation is certainly a fitting description for the U.S. Embassy Standing In The Holy Land = Place.

Global Economic Collapse & The Fall Of Babylon
Fulfillment of Revelation 18

Great Whore Upon Many Waters

The current global economic and financial crisis is unprecedented in human history, because never before has there been a time when the entire world
was united under a single economic system, and a single currency, the Dollar, of a single nation, the United States, and a single banking system, the Federal Reserve.
It has taken since World War II, to develop the current economic and financial system, and the causes for it's collapse, and it is unlikely that such a system will again be
implemented in our lifetime. After the existing global financial/economic system fails, the world will most likely move towards a gold backed multi-currency system,
which has already been suggested by many. Because of the unprecedented nature of the global economic crisis, and when viewed along with the other biblical signs that
have already come to pass - Prophecies of Jesus, there is no doubt that this is a fulfillment of Bible Prophecy - Rev. 18: 11. This prophecy warns of a global economic collapse 
in the final days before the arrival of the Kingdom of God: "the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buys their merchandise any more."

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