Important Information About mRNA & iDNA Covid Vaccines
Please Review This Growing List Of Articles & Videos Before You Decide To Be Injected With mRNA Vaccines

McCullough Warns About HHS Becerra Expanding The FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization
 (EUA) Which Can Approve mRNA Injections For Bird Flu

Don't Fall for Bird Flu Pandemic PsyOp

Harvard Researchers Link Covid Shots to Sudden Deaths Surge

Top Medics’ Warn Bill Gates’ Planning To ‘Force-Jab’ Half a Billion Kids With Experimental mRNA Shots

Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt…40 Yrs Of Brilliance Covid Jab Blood Clots - Video

Inject nothing!

Most doctors are now Anti-Vaxxers

Covid Shots Directly Linked to Sudden Deaths

Japanese Scientists - COVID Shots Can Cause Fatal Heart Failure

850 Studies on COVID-19 Vaccine Serious Side Effects HIDDEN by US National Health

Covid Caused Zero Excess Deaths, mRNA Shots Caused Millions (Far More Than Millions)

Advanced HIV Disease Threatens To Wither Away The Gains Made In Fight Against AIDS

Ottawa Police Det. suspended for investigating 9 babies who died after their mothers Got Jabbed

Pediatrician Raises Alarm 
over Bill Gates Plan to Vaccinate 500 Million Children by 2030

Agenda to Depopulate the Planet Through COVID Vaccination.
 Revealed by Government Reports and Pfizer Documents

Veteran Doctor Raises Alarm over Surging ‘Turbo Cancer’ Diagnoses

Philippines Demand ‘mRNA Genocide’ Investigation Following Millions of Vax Deaths

More Names Being Taken Out By Pfizer Death Jabs

U.S. Government ‘Saddled’ with COVID Vaccine Injury ‘Mess’
While Vaccine Makers Avoid Liability

1,000S of Scientists and Doctors Sign Declaration ...
‘mRNA Is a Depopulation Drug’

Turbo Colon Cancer Surges 500% Among The Vaxxed

Moderna Covid Shots Cause 30% More Deaths Than Pfizer, CDC Data Shows

Scottish Ambulance Service heart problem callouts 2015–2023 
- Evidence of harm caused exclusively by COVID-19 vaccines

Philippines Raises Alarm after Recording 290,000 Vax Deaths

Babies having heart attacks in utero? In the womb? 
The unthinkable is happening & Dr. James Thorp OBGYN with 43 years of experience, 
explains devastating consequences of Bourla Malone COVID mRNA shot

Hope Accord reaches nearly 3,000 signatures calling for immediate BAN on COVID jabs

26-Year-Old Who Died After COVID Vaccine Not ‘Correctly Informed’ About Shot’s Risk

Mother Wins Battle to Stop Son Having Covid Vaccine She Feared Could Kill Him

Rancher Blows Whistle: Food Supply Spiked with mRNA Vaccines

Top Doctor - Covid Shots Caused Deaths to Soar

Neurological Disease Deaths Surge Among Covid ‘Vaxxed

Covid Shots Cause Deadly Hepatitis - Say Studies

NY Doctors Raise Alarm
 as Medicaid Cancer Cases Skyrocket 250% Post Vaccine Rollout

McCullough Says Biden's Brain Death ‘Consistent With COVID-19 Vaccine Injury

SIDS and other horrible vaccine injuries

COVID jabs induce 723 times more brain clots than flu shots, study finds

2000 Doctors & Scientists Demand ‘Immediate’ Ban of Covid Shots

Filipino lawmakers sound alarm over 290,000 excess deaths following COVID jab rollout

Dr. Francis Boyle Provides Affidavit:
COVID 19 mRNA Nanoparticle Injections Are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Dr. Charles Hoffe Denounces the Covid Vaccine: 
“Biggest Disaster in Medical History”. Confronts College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC

Covid-Vaxxed Children 4,423% More Likely to Die Than Unvaxxed

mRNA Injury Stories - 33% Agree COVID-19 Vaccine 
‘Is Killing Large Numbers of People’ - 24% regret getting COVID-19 Vaccinated

30 year-old actor dies suddenly from ‘unexpected cardiac arrest’ - Doctors have ‘no explanation’

Pfizer, Moderna rolling out new catch-all mRNA injections for pandemic influenza

Hundreds of Doctors and Scientists Sign Accord 
Calling for Suspension And Probe of mRNA Vaccines Too Late For Most of the injected

Study - Covid Injections had ’NO Beneficial Effects

Covid vaccine injuries go mainstream in Australia

16 Years Old Dropped Dead During Football Scrimmage. 
He Had His Second Pfizer mRNA Jab Six Days Prior to Dropping Dead

“Alarming 3000% Increase in Unexplained Child Deaths in Alberta”:
 Medical Doctors and Scientists’ Press Conference

A Man With No Brain Forcing More Death Upon Us All
Biden Paying Moderna $176 Million to Develop Bird Flu ‘Vaccine
 With Same mRNA Tech as COVID ‘Vax

Top Oncologist Warns Cancers Are Surging in Vaxed Patients

Covid Shots Have Led to ‘Turbo Cancer,’ Excess Deaths, Other ‘Harmful Side Effects’

Drag Racer Died From Stage 4 Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Covid Shots Triggered Global Heart Deaths Surge Of course…It’s a BioWeapon!

Death Rate of American Babies Surges to Unprecedented Highs And Parents Do NOTHING

US Infant Mortality Rate ‘Alarmingly’ Higher Than Lesser Vaccinated Countries

Top Oncologist Warns Cancers Are Surging in Vaxed Patients

Immediate Ban on mRNA Gene Therapy
 Over Escalating Turbo Cancer Crisis: UK’s Top Oncologist Prof. Angus Dalgleish

Top Catholic Bishop Raises Alarm 
over Soaring ‘Turbo Cancers’ and Sudden Deaths Among Vaxed

mRNA Jabs Increased Excess Mortality Numbers

Philippines House Probes 290,000+ Excess Deaths Correlated with covid mRNA Injections

Reality TV Star of ‘Love & Marriage - Huntsville’ Dies Suddenly at 42

Some of those who died suddenly in US & worldwide

German Study Finds Covid ‘Vax' Has ‘No Beneficial Effects’ 
While Massively Increasing Excess Deaths - Mass Murder

Tennessee woman fired 
for refusing employer's COVID-19 vaccine mandate wins almost $700K

Vaxed Blood Kills - Cardiovascular, Neurological Damages 
from Transfusions with Blood of Vaccinated People

COVID injections cause neurological disease followed by DEATH, study finds

Top Scientists Confirm Covid Shots Cause Heart Attacks in Children

BioWeapon-Jabbed Celebrities And Entertainers Fall

 Bombshell Study Directly Links Covid Shots to Sudden Deaths Surge

Proof the Covid BioWeapon Injections Damage Cognition

 Dutch biologist discusses Japanese Turbo Cancer study on Dutch TV 
 Study In Then Censored And Retracted

Child slaughter 
 CDC Panel Recommends Deadly COVID BioWeapons Injections
 For Tiny Children 6 Months and Up!

Brain Damage Caused By COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

Brain DAMAGE caused by Covid mRNA BioWeapon Injections 
Two massive South Korean Studies shake things up

Acquired Hemophilia A - A Rare Side Effect of COVID-19 ‘Vaccines

Over 100 Million Americans think the COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Is Killing Large Numbers of People’

Brain DAMAGE caused by Covid mRNA BioWeapon Injections 
Two massive South Korean Studies shake things up

In 2025, All Draftable U.S. WOMEN Will Be Force-Vaccinated 
With Deadly mRNA Spike Proteins By The Medical/Military Industrial Complex ⋆ Conservative Firing Line

Stroke Risk - COVID Shots 200 Times More Likely to Cause Blood Clots in Brain

Top Doctor Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer

US Army Admits Covid Shot Caused Soldier’s Heart Failure

Army admits veteran suffered Covid (BioWeapon) injury ‘in the line of duty’

Another Dead Pilot - Jetblue Captain Keith Duncan died suddenly 
during layover in Curacao - 7th pilot dead in past 2 months

The Spike Protein’s Obliteration of ACE2 and the Induction of Irreversible Oxidation via NOX5 Activation. 
Irreversible oxidation leads to systemic small vessel disease (fibrosis, etc.) 
explaining multiple organ damage post Spike Protein exposure

Bedridden by Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine - CHD Vid

Supreme Court Turns Away COVID-19 Vaccine Appeals 

74% of deaths directly tied to COVID jab
Explosive study removed by Lancet, now public 

mRNA Injury Stories - Both New Zealand parents developed Stage 4 Lung cancer 
within months of each other - the new normal

Study Finds Alarming Surge In Deaths From Neuro Diseases Among Young Adults

The 15 Stages of Denial Among Recipients of the Covid-19. BioWeapon ‘Vaccine

Five U.S. states sue Pfizer over false claims of vaccine safety and efficacy

Major Study Confirms Covid Bioweapon Shots Cause Brain Damage

Japan - Billions of Dying Vaxxed Have Dementia 

Video Of Surgical Removal Of White Amyloid Clot Not A ‘Blood’ Clot -
 It Is Fibrous Amyloid ‘Gristle. Many Vaxed Have Little Amyloid Seedlings In Their Blood 
Looking To Hook Up To The Endothelium And Begin To Grow Amyloid Clots Like This

Top Cardiologist Drops Bombshell
 Covid Shots Caused 112,000% Explosion in Brain Clots

White fibrous clots being removed from a living vaccine receipient 
supplied to me via the person the surgeon removing them
Im sure you can hear what he says - it is one of many.
John Olooney on X: "

Beauty Influencer Farah El Kadhi Dies Suddenly of ‘Heart Attack’ at 36

The Body Attacks Itself
Spike Protein Induced Heart Failure (HF)
 - Significant Upregulation of IP10/CXCL10 Draws T Cells into the Heart 
To Destroy spike But They Kill The Heart Cells, too

mRNA Destroys Heart & Brain
 Study Concludes Covid Jabs (Spike And mRNA) Make People ‘Retarded’
 - Damage And Can Kill The Brain

If You Got ‘Vaccinated For COVID You’re More Likely To Die

100 Recent Cases of Sudden and Unexpected Death. 
The Silent Epidemic No One Wants to Talk About

Kansas Sues Pfizer, Says Company Misled Public On COVID-19 Vaccine

Dr. Mike Yeadon is striking fear deep inside enemy territory 
‘Covid Jabs Were Designed - Intentionally - to Harm, Maim, Kill And Reduce Human Fertility

Daughter miscarried Twins after Covid Injection May 2024 (Not ‘Miscarry’
…The Twins were terminated By The Shot)

Many More Articles Available Upon Request.

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Larry A Wright